Thursday, May 10, 2007


5 minutes left of work and i don't want to do an ounce more.

i think i will instead put my head down on my desk for 5 minutes...

and then i will go to the bar.

the end

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

hilarity and truthfulness

good friends were on last saturday's "this american life: MY REPUTATION".

my friend was on there because he has a rep as being an asshole, which is sometimes true. he interviewed our other friends and then it was on NPR. dang!!

you can hear it here:

for the record, i think that he's still a nice guy, though can be a superbrat on occasion. i should know, i have known him since i was 17. he had blue hair and i had pink hair then, total alternateen bliss. ha!!

anyhoo, here's a response from my dear friend to the this american life asshole, as posted on to HIS blog:

Monday, April 9, 2007

the mania continues...

When you really know that you have arrived....when they make a Haribo candy of you...

Tuesday, April 3, 2007

famous famous part two

My favorite critter continues to get fancy props:

American Vanity Fair:

German Vanity Fair:

Friday, March 30, 2007


Today I was walking around on my lunch break and I saw a sign at a restaurant advertising "FANTASY DINING". I am not really sure what that means, but it made me think of this: